I'm enjoying all my classes this semester. And most importantly, I enjoy going to all of them. In the autumn I didn't usually look forward to attending the poetry classes because the atmosphere was occasionally quite pressuring.
Old English is cool but quite challenging. We're learning a new grammar thing every week and then practising it in the other classes. We're learning to say various things about priests, abbots, mountains, and moors. I guess there was never going to be that "Hello! How are you? Excuse me, where is the nearest nunnery?" class in Old English...
Se cyning Ætþelred ferde to Readingum, and þa mette he his þeowe.
Ethelred the king went to Reading, and there he met his servant. Those kind of sentences we're learning to do. At some point we'll do a bigger translation (which I look forward to) and an essay where we can focus either on the literary or linguistic side of this poem Juliana that we're discussing, based on our preferences.
In Shakespearean Drama, we've just finished discussing Richard III. I had never read the play before, but I liked it a lot. Richard is a great villain character! Next is A Midsummer Night's Dream that I'm more familiar with, and it happens to be the one that my group will do a presentation on in two weeks' time. The teacher is really lovely and smiley!
Storying Sheffield has great people in it and we're also keeping blogs for that class as part of the assessment. At the moment they can only be seen by the teachers, though.
Last week one of my flatmates and I went to see our other flatmate's cheerleading show. It was kind of scary, but they were very good!
Yesterday I did something I had looked forward to for a long time: a Beyoncé dance class! The same woman who taught us the Thriller around Halloween taught us the dance from Beyoncé's "Single Ladies" music video. This one! Unfortunately there isn't a video of our dance! We didn't have time to do the whole thing as we only had one hour. It was so much fun though!
February is almost over! What a strange thought! March will be quite busy, or at least I'll have something special coming up every week! But I'll write more about those things later...