Saturday, 15 February 2014

first week

Classes started this week, and everything seems interesting so far. I'm taking three classes again: Introduction to Old English, Shakespearean Drama, and Storying Sheffield. The first one is a language class, where we learn the grammar of Old English, which looks like a mixture of Icelandic and German. We'll be studying an epic poem called Juliana and eventually translating bits of it into modern English, which I'm looking forward to a lot. I'm kind of missing the translation classes at home! 

Shakespearean Drama is exactly what it sounds like. It's aimed at exchange students, so all the students are non-English. We'll be studying Richard III, A Midsummer Night's Dream, Measure for Measure, The Tempest, and Othello. It seems like it might be the most work out of the three, but the teacher is lovely and the group seems good. 

Storying Sheffield is a bit more difficult to explain - and actually I'm still not sure myself what we'll be doing! We'll be working with stories of people from Sheffield, perhaps interviewing them. The most exciting thing is that at the end of the course, we'll publish a book! It sounds like it'll be like an anthology that everyone contributes to in some part. Exciting! In the first class that was yesterday, we had to write a story about trees in five minutes. I'm not exactly sure what that was aiming at, but you can read some of them here:

The above website is dedicated to this very class, and some of the material on there has been produced by the previous students who took it. I think this will be an unforgettable class and a good opportunity for me, being here for only a limited time.

I've also started a five-week Spanish class, partly inspired by my future trip to Barcelona during the Easter break! 

I've been thinking about joining a society that I would actually go to. Well, I think I've found one: the Nail Art Society! I went to their Give it a Go session on Wednesday, which was a lot of fun. And I may have slightly also got myself the membership...

I'm excited to go there again! I couldn't think of a society that would be better suited for me, until my friend Becki said: "The Lime Green, Polka dot, Shopaholic and Wedding Magazine Appreciation Society"... (I should say that the Shopaholic bit refers to the books...!)

We had another birthday this week. Sharon, the youngest in our flat, turned 18! This time I bought the cake at Marks&Spencer's, but the piping work was all mine! I had never written anything with icing before, so I was very proud...

Also notice our Australian flag. None of us is Australian, but we got it from this girl who left Sheffield and also gave us tons of kitchen stuff for free!

It's been a busy week, so this weekend feels extra welcome. I haven't done anything useful today!

Nyt on eka kouluviikko takana. Tämän kevään kurssit ovat kaikki mielenkiintoisia, enkä usko että tulee ainakaan tylsää. Löysin myös minulle sopivan kerhon, nimittäin kynsitaidesocietyn! Ai niin, ja aloitin viisi viikkoa kestävän espanjan alkeiskurssin. Olisin varmaan ottanut sen muutenkin, mutta olen menossa pääsiäislomalla pariksi päiväksi Barcelonaan japanilaisen Ollien kanssa, joten ehkä siinä oli jotain motivaatiota. Tällä viikolla oli taas synttärit, tällä kertaa 18 vuotta täyttävän Sharonin. Kakku on tällä kertaa ostettu, mutta kirjoitin tuon kuorrutetekstin ihan omin kätösin! Olin aika ylpeä, koska en ole ennen tehnyt mitään sellaista.

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