Tuesday 5 November 2013

a lovely weekend

I had such a nice and relaxing weekend with Charlie, even though there were several occasions when things didn't go as planned! We were going to have a pub dinner on Saturday evening, but we left a bit late so all the places were either too full or didn't serve food anymore. It was okay though since we made a delicious meal ourselves! :)

On Saturday I showed him around the university buildings and city centre. It was so funny to be in England and still be the "tour guide" one! It was a bit rainy, but luckily not too much.

There were some amusement park rides in the city for some reason, also in front of the city hall!

We looked around the shops and spent the rest of the day watching Misfits and looking for food. It was really nice not to do anything special!

On Sunday we tried the pub meal again and were much more successful. We went for a pie in the Nottingham House, which was nice and relatively empty at lunch time. Even though I've only been there twice, I think it's probably the best pub in the area food-wise!

After we were completely stuffed, we took a tram to Meadowhall, which is a massive shopping centre about 20 minutes from the city centre. I hadn't taken the tram in Sheffield before, nor had I visited Meadowhall, so it was all in all very interesting! I especially enjoyed the tram ride, as most of the journey was through parts of the city I had never seen before. We didn't really have energy for the whole of Meadowhall, so we just wandered around as long as we wanted, and then headed back. I think I'll visit it again next week to do some Christmas shopping...

It was a great weekend! :)

Yesterday I got back this phonology assessment I might have mentioned before. I got 72, which is a first, so I was glad! Although I couldn't help feeling I could've done even better... ;) But I'm still quite proud of myself, because I pretty much did it all from scratch whereas the other people in the class have taken the prerequisites that I haven't! We've already been assigned the next assessment (due the 28th), which looks quite scary, so hopefully I'll be able to do it! Another thing to submit by Thursday this week is my poetry portfolio, which consists of five poems and a review of a poetry collection.

What else is there... I ordered my railcard yesterday and it already arrived today, even though I was expecting it to take at least 5 days! It will get me good discounts on train journeys during this year.

Viikonloppu Charlien kanssa oli tosi mukava ja rauhallinen. Kierreltiin kaupunkia ja yliopiston rakennuksia sekä käytiin ratikalla Meadowhall-kauppakeskuksessa. Ratikat eivät ole täällä ihan samanlaisia kuin Helsingissä, vaan niistä tulee mieleen pikemminkin juna, ainakin kyydissä istuessa. Ratikka eli Supertram kulkee samalla tavalla kaupungin kaduilla, mutta sen raiteet kulkevat myös keskustan ulkopuolelle, mistä junamaisuus ehkä tulee. Lisäksi matkanteko ei ole samanlaista nitkuttelua, vaan Supertram kulkee oikeastaan aika nopeasti. 

Fonologian tehtävä, joka on siis yksi kolmesta arvioitavasta työstä (eikä koetta ole siis ollenkaan), palautettiin eilisellä luennolla. Sain arvosanaksi tosiaan 72 sadasta, joka on kai aika hyvä. Mikä tahansa 70 ja 100 välillä on "first", eli korkein. Numerot ovat vähän lomittaisia, mikä on aika outoa. Mutta olen siis tosi tyytyväinen! Sain myös eilen tilaamani junakortin, jolla saa junamatkoista alennusta. Nopeaa toimintaa!

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