Sunday 24 November 2013


I'm kind of ashamed of how infrequently I've written lately! It's been over a week since my Edinburgh trip, so I should definitely say something about that!

It was organised by the Erasmus Student Network together with a company called Travelholics who provided us with tour guides. Unfortunately the organisation of the trip was awful with the coaches being late and a bit broken, the tour guides not knowing anything or keeping us up-to-date, and making the attendees wait for pretty much everything. However, the trip itself was great, because we got to do what we wanted and I had a good time with my friends! Visiting Edinburgh is definitely something I'd recommend, but I wouldn't go on an organised weekend trip like that again, I think.

Here's a selection of pictures from the weekend!

J. K. Rowling's cafe

The hostel provided us with a great included breakfast!

As you can see, we were pretty lucky weather-wise. Especially Sunday was beautiful! I don't think it rained once during the weekend! We visited the castle, walked around the city and did some shopping. And ate, of course! And while the others joined the Scotch Whiskey Experience, I had some time to meet up with Becks who took a train from Glasgow specifically to see me! It was really nice!

Edinburgh is such a pretty place. It was lovely to see it again! But next time I'll take the train... With all the waits and breaks, the coach journey took about 8 hours on both times. But it was worth it in the end, I think!

Yesterday I visited Stratford-upon-Avon, so I'll try to write about that soon!

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