Friday 1 November 2013

pancake, pies, pass

Last Saturday Marie and I made some pancakes that Anna, Ulrika, and Karin arrived just in time to eat. They had been to Nottingham earlier that day.

They were even more delicious with ice cream and jam!

This past week I've also submitted my first Phonology assessment out of three, titled "Analysis of Voiced Plosives and Fricatives in Language A". I worked quite hard for it, so I hope I'll get a decent grade! There was a teachers' strike yesterday, so my Irish class was moved for Tuesday, which meant a very busy start of the week, but then I've had both Thursday and Friday off this week, which is nice.

On Monday I went out to eat with some of my flatmates.

Me, Rike, Purfi, Mathilde

What a blurry photo, but it had to be documented - we haven't really done many things together yet! We had fish and chips at a pub called The Place (because it's "the place to be"!).

The whole week has been a big Halloween celebration, it seems. I'm not really used to celebrating it, so I haven't done anything special for it, but I've seen so many different costumes these past days! It's amazing that it's November and it stills looks like this:

Technically, I took that yesterday when it was still October and today it has rained all day... But still!

 My only Halloween-y thing was taking part in a Thriller dance class on Wednesday. The session lasted for about an hour, and I think we all learnt it pretty well in that time! There is a video too but I'm not sure if I'll dare put it here...

We tested yet another pub nearby for dinner yesterday. They mainly do pies, which were absolutely delicious!

I think I look like a Sunday school teacher.

Today I've mainly been cleaning and tidying and writing something for my poetry class portfolio ("a writerly appraisal of a contemporary poetry collection"). We had a flat inspection this morning, which meant that someone from the accommodation services came round and checked every room to see whether we've been taking care of them! And guess what...

Yay! And now I'm leaving for the train station to welcome Charlie -- double yay!

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