Thursday 17 October 2013

first times

Another week has gone by so quickly. I think I'm starting to settle in! It doesn't seem like a lot has been happening, but the little bits of life often go unnoticed.

Yesterday Anna from Sweden, Marie from Denmark, Julia from Germany, and I had dinner at a nearby pub called The York.

I pass several pubs (including this one) every day on my way to uni, but this was the first time I actually went in one of them. I have been occasionally thinking about pub food, though, so I guess it was about time...

I really wanted a pie, and the only option was Pie of the Day with chicken and mushroom, so I chose that. I love chicken pie, but mushrooms I've never liked, so I just picked them out, classy as ever. It came with mushy peas and chips, both of which were absolutely delicious. I couldn't finish my portion though! I'll never learn... But pie is so good!

Julia and Marie

Anna and I
It was a very nice evening!

Another thing that I pass every day without having ever visited it is a park called Weston Park and the museum that goes with it. There's just never been an appropriate moment for it yet. Today I had a good reason to go, though, since the homework for my poetry class was to visit a museum/park and "intensely observe" any object in there that we felt inspired by. A girl called Amber from my Irish class is also taking the poetry one (although she's in a different group), so we decided to go there together after Irish class today.

Look how intensely she's observing the statue!

I also found a nice painting in the same room, so we spent some time there writing our poems. It was also nice to see the museum, it was much more versatile than I thought! There were lots of stuffed animals.

It was such a nice sunny day today that I just had to keep stopping on my way home to take pictures.

I think the nice weather did something strange to me, because when I got back in the flat, I got a sudden urge to tidy up in the kitchen. I didn't even mind doing someone else's dishes! Hopefully I can apply the same state of mind to my own room...

The door of my room looks like this now, by the way.

Tulipas aika paljon eri asioita, vaikka tuntuukin, ettei ole paljoa tapahtunut viime aikoina. Ilmat alkavat kylmetä, vaikka tänään olikin aika lämmintä ja aurinkoista. Kävin eilen The York -nimisessä pubissa syömässä muutaman kaverin kanssa, ja oli kyllä tosi hyvää ja englantilaista ruokaa. Kävin ekaa kertaa myös melko läheisessä museossa/puistossa iirin tunneilta tutun Amberin kanssa kirjoittamassa runoja, heh. Olemme molemmat samalla runokurssilla, ja kotitehtävä hoitui siinä samalla. 

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