Tuesday 8 October 2013

the past few days

As I think I said, I visited Oxford this weekend from Saturday morning until Monday morning. I got to see Charlie's new house, which was very cool and English! Unfortunately on the way there my camera had run out of battery, so for the first time in England so far, I spent two days photo-less. That's okay, though, because we didn't really go anywhere that would've required picture-taking (really, we watched Scrubs most of the time). I'll make sure my camera is charged for the next visit, though!

I just realised that I don't think of things as new so much anymore. I think that means that the life here has started to become more normal. Maybe that's why there's not something to write about every single day, because I don't feel like it should be something to write about. The classes and lectures starting last week have probably influenced it a lot. And still, it feels funny that this Thursday I'll have been in England "only" for a month!

On Friday, I took part in a ceilidh, which is "a traditional Gaelic social gathering" that "usually involves playing Gaelic folk music and dancing", says Wikipedia. This is the band we had, even though they haven't started playing yet! It was a lot of fun and such a good exercise, I danced for the whole 1.5 hours I was there and I was so exhausted afterwards! I also joined the Ceilidh Society, so I guess I'll do it in the future as well :)

Today I got a small clothes airer/rack at Argos. It's really convenient for small homes, because it folds flat and holds quite a lot of laundry. It cost £7.99, which isn't too bad, and if I can keep on using it instead of the launderette drier, it will save me some money after a while. I must've looked a bit silly walking around Sheffield with this under my arm today!

You can see a peek of the dotty duvet cover that Charlie lent me. I'm so excited to borrow it because it makes my room looks so much nicer than the grey one I've been using until now! It's so colourful :)

Viikonloppureissu Oxfordiin oli oikein mukava ja meni hyvin, vaikka kamerastani olikin loppunut akku jo menomatkalla! Eipä se tosin haitannut hirveästi, koska emme harrastaneet mitään turismia tällä kertaa. Arki täällä alkaa jo rullata, mitä koulun alkaminen on varmaankin edesauttanut. Tunnit ovat mukavan erilaisia ja pidän erityisesti iirin opiskelusta. Opettaja on siis puoliksi suomalainen, mutta ei osaa suomea ollenkaan. Runokurssi on aika vaikea (ja vähän pelottava), mutta toivottavasti se alkaa sujua paremmin ajan myötä. Ostin tänään pienen pyykinkuivaustelineen Argosista (Argoksesta?), joka on aika hauska kauppa: siellä ostettavat asiat valitaan puhelinluettelomaisesta kuvastosta, kirjoitetaan tuotteen numero muistiin ja annetaan kassalle, joka sitten kiikuttaa tuotteen kaupan varastosta. Mitään hyllyjä tai käytäviä siellä ei siis ole. Kuvasto on jotakuinkin 10-15 sentin paksuinen, joten aika iso valikoima siellä on. Tänään minulla oli vapaapäivä, mutta huomenna taas jatkuu!

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