Friday 11 October 2013


Yesterday it was exactly a month/four weeks since I first arrived in Sheffield. It feels like I've been here a much longer time though! And yet somehow a much shorter time. The wedding or the orientation week seem to have been so long ago, but Sheffield still feels new/not new. It's so complicated! Some things feel mundane, like walking to uni and back and buying groceries. But other things I know nothing about, like what's past Ranmoor in the other direction or how to get to the train station by bus. So there's still lots to learn about my new hometown, but I guess that's also exciting.

Anna, Marie, Anna's flatmate Ulrika, and I had dinner at Nando's tonight (never been there before!) and our plan was to join a pub crawl with some student group that Anna knew more about. It was going to start at Interval which is a cafe/pub at the Students' Union (in the photo!). Ulrika didn't join us, because she felt ill, but Anna, Marie, and I went. However, people didn't seem to be moving anywhere even after the hour they were supposed to spend at Interval, so we just stayed there chatting and had a nice time. Then we took a "Women's Minibus" home that took all of us right next to our buildings! It left at the Union, so it was perfect.

Tomorrow I'll have an early start (but not as early as last Saturday ;) ) because we'll be doing a day trip to some city! I think it was either Birmingham or Leeds, but we'll decide at the train station. I just spoke to a British girl who lives in the flat opposite us, and she said Birmingham wasn't worth it, so I guess we'll see tomorrow...

1 comment:

  1. I've only been to the Leeds Armoury, but that's very cool, if you like weapons and armour and military history. There are some nice places around Leeds as well, like Ripon and Harrogate.
