Saturday 26 October 2013

A Saturday's Tale

A few days ago, I got a parcel from my mum! It cheered me up such a lot on an otherwise bland day.

I got useful stuff, a lovely card, and something to satisfy my sweet tooth...

Even the stamps made me happy!

On the other day on my way to Irish class, I decided to take a slightly different route than normally. And I'm so glad that I did, because I met this handsome creature:

I was childishly excited as I haven't seen a cat for over a month now! It made me realise how much I miss the cats back home, so I was happy when this one let me stroke it (and talk to it)!

That evening I also had something quite exciting to do as I went to the theatre.

I had a got a discounted ticket for The Winter's Tale by Shakespeare through the Give It a Go programme. The real tickets would have been over £20!

There are two theatres next to each other on the same square in the centre of Sheffield, the Crucible and Lyceum Theatre. This play was at the Crucible.

The play was good, even though I didn't understand everything they said! It was easy enough to follow though considering that I didn't know that well what the play was about.

After the play, there was a Q&A session with the director and actors for anyone who wanted to stay and ask questions. Being a thespian, of course I stayed! I didn't ask anything though, just listened. It was really interesting to see the actors as normal people. Apparently four of them were fresh out of drama school in their first paid acting job, including Young Shepherd (which was quite a big role)!

Yesterday I had dinner with some friends again! We had tasty wraps and chocolate cake for dessert.

Scandinavia was very well represented.

I've also just bought a ticket to an exchange student trip to Edinburgh in a few weeks. I thought about it for a while because of the prize and because I've been to Edinburgh once before, but I decided to do it anyway because the company will be great, and it will much cheaper than if I wanted to go on my own!

Sain kuluneella viikolla ihanan yllätyspaketin kotoa ja tapasin söpön kissan! Tuli ikävä omia pullukoita. Kävin myös sivistyneesti teatterissa katsomassa Shakespearea. Tänään hankin lipun vaihto-opiskelijoiden Edinburgh-reissulle, josta tulee varmasti hyvä!

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