Friday 13 September 2013

first impressions!

Finally here! I'm actually in Sheffield in my room at my desk and wow. I'm here!

That's, like, evidence or something. I guess I could've found the photo on the internet. But I took it myself at the train station last night!

It was such a long day yesterday. First, I flew to Stockholm and then caught a connecting flight to Manchester. I had bought train tickets online (well, Charlie bought them, but I'll pay him back!) from the airport to Sheffield, so I tried to collect them at a self-service machine. However, the machine couldn't read my card (without of which you can't get the tickets), so I panicked a bit. But then I queued at the desk and asked about it and the woman just took my reference number and my card and gave me the tickets. I was so relieved!

I had about two hours to wait for the train, which was fine, because I had a book and I was exhausted after dragging 21 kg of luggage after me and probably another 5 in my back. So I sat down and read and took pictures, of course.

At that time of the day, the station wasn't very busy, as you can probably see.

Well, the train took me to Manchester Piccadilly after there was an announcement that the train was cancelled from there onwards and everyone would have to get off. There was supposed to be another train to Sheffield at the same platform, so all of us from the first train waited for that one. There was a few loud chavs who seemed to think that the cancellation was every official-looking person's fault, and they were loud and annoying. They were even more loud and annoying when the second train was announced to be cancelled as well!  Oh British rail service... I then followed some old ladies who were also going to Sheffield to another platform, where we got on a third train. There weren't that many seats left, so I and my bag stayed in between coaches where there were a few small seats. I was very tired and hungry by this point, as I hadn't eaten anything since Stockholm!

The train ride was pretty uneventful apart from some water that leaked on me through the roof. I was so happy to eventually reach Sheffield, even though it was dark and rainy. I followed signs to a taxi station and got on a taxi almost immediately. It was only a bit over £7 to get to the university reception.

I got my keys and -- a bit surprisingly -- a map to my assigned accommodation. I couldn't believe they were sending me off to find my way in the dark (and rain) with my heavy bags! It was maybe a five-minute walk to the accommodation building, so not too bad though. At first I couldn't find how to get in, and my key card didn't seem to work. After a few minutes of trying, I got in -- another relief!

Trying to find my room, I went down a random corridor, where I found a guy who asked me whether I was sure I was in the right place. I told him my room number, and he told me it was on the fourth floor and kindly showed me to a lift. It was so good to get in my room finally, even though I felt really awful -- a combination of hunger, cold, tiredness, and the thought that I would be here for the next few months. The internet also didn't work, which was a shame because I was hoping to catch someone online to get some reassurance.

However, I decided to go downstairs again to see if I could find the same guy to ask him about the internet. I did find him and his friend, and they explained that I needed the university password and username to use the network. I knew immediately which ones he was talking about, but I couldn't check them without internet because they were in my email folder -- so he said I could use his computer to find them! Both of them were also assistant leaders for the Orientation Week, so they knew their way around and told me that I could go to breakfast with them in the morning. I thanked them a lot, went back to my room and yay! The internet worked! I sent quick messages to my parents and friends to say I had arrived and went to sleep soon after that.

This is what my room looks like. It's only my room for the weekend and next week, and then I'll move in my "real" room.

The accommodation complex I'm staying at is called Stephenson Hall, and my building is Carrysbrook. It looks like this.

The view out my window:

My desk (Facebook open, of course...):

And the corridor. 

My room is "ensuite", so I have my own bathroom, which is really nice. There seems to be quite a lot of closet space, and I think the room will be just fine for my needs.

I went to breakfast with two girls I ran into downstairs after asking whether I could follow them. I had no idea where to go, after all! They were happy to walk with me and it was nice to talk to some people. They were Li from Vietnam and Sara from Sri Lanka, and they're both orientation assistants doing their whole degrees in Sheffield. The breakfast hall was full of these assistants, so I haven't really met anyone "like me" yet -- most participants will arrive on Sunday or Monday as orientation won't start until Monday. That's fine though, because it means I can do whatever I want until then!

And that I will! Later today I'll catch a train to Oxenholme in the Lake District where I'll see Charlie and his family for the wedding tomorrow! I'm really excited. Sara said she'd recommend a taxi to the train station as it might be half an hour walk away, but I really won't mind the walk. I haven't seen any of the city yet (as it was dark yesterday) and this will be a great way to! I also have maps and I can always ask someone if I get lost, so I'm pretty excited to try and find my way around. :) 

So far, so good! (Hope this wasn't too long!)

No niin, täällä ollaan. Matka tänne oli pitkä, kivinen ja sateinen, mutta pääsin kuitenkin lopulta perille. Kaikki ihmiset, joita olen tähän asti tavannut, ovat olleet tosi mukavia ja avuliaita. Täällä ei siis vielä ole juurikaan meitä orientaatioon osallistuvia, vaan suurin osa on järjestäjiä ja avustajia. Varsinainen orientaatioviikko alkaakin vasta maanantaina, joten useimmat saapuvat silloin tai sunnuntaina. Olen siis ekoja täällä! Vähän myöhemmin lähden seikkailemaan kaupunkiin etsimään juna-asemaa, sillä olen menossa junalla järviseudulle, jossa pidetään Charlien tädin häät. Olen siellä tämän viikonlopun ja tulen sunnuntaina iltapäivällä takaisin. Toivottavasti niissä junissa ei ole mitään ongelmia! Odotan innolla kaupungin näkemistä paremmin, tosin nyt alkaa taas näyttää vähän harmaalta... toivottavasti selviän keskustaan sateetta!


  1. Hi!
    I'm so excited to read this blog! And this is a pretty room. Have fun! I hope you'll comtinue posting more.

  2. Your room looks comfy! Hope you're doing great. :D

  3. hei hauskaa vaihtoa! :-) sheffield vaikuttaa mukavalle paikalle.
