Saturday 7 September 2013

indian summer

It's amazing to go out in September and find something like this:

Summer is my absolute favourite season, but if all the autumns were like this, I might not mind so much!

After a week of being out and about practically every day, I'm really enjoying this free weekend, which I just realised is my last weekend in Finland. (This is apparently how I think now. Everything is the last or second-to-last something in Finland.) Anyway, until about four in the afternoon, my day was so lazy I might be too embarrassed to elaborate. Then I decided to get a grip and went for a walk.

I live a ten minutes' walk from the Baltic Sea, so I often like to visit the seaside. The terrace of the beach cafe was full, and there were lots of people sunbathing. I even saw someone go for a swim!

I sat on a rock for a while and dipped my feet in the water (cold). It really felt nice to get out. Basically, now I don't feel so bad being lazy for the rest of the day. Although I'm going to tidy up a bit. And now I've said it, so I've got to do it!

A little comparison between my current and future homes... It looks a bit bland like that, but I'm sure it will be fine once I get there! I have that effect on countries, after all. As soon as I land, the sun will come out! Right?

My to-do list looks like this now:

  • print off my plane tickets
  • print off my train tickets
  • print off a map from a train station in Warrington to another train station in Warrington (long story, more later)
  • buy an external hard drive 
  • tidy/empty my flat 
  • make sure I've got all the required documents ready
  • "practise" packing
  • actually pack
  • exchange money

Exciting! I hope I'll know how to use the new hard drive. Maybe I should go fiddle with that now. I mean, tidy up. And then I'm off to my last sauna in Finland!

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