Monday 2 September 2013

free candy and Finnish design

Wow, it’s been a while since I wrote anything! It’s not surprising though, since there really hasn’t been anything relevant to talk about recently.

This is my last full week in Finland. It’s quite a terrifying thought. And also a surreal one, since it doesn’t feel like I’ll be leaving so soon. The preparations are starting to be done, though. I rang my bank because I had a quick question about the student loan application, but the phone call ended up being half an hour long: when the guy heard I was going to be an exchange student this year, he said I could get their debit/credit card to have another payment card at hand just in case anything happened to my old one abroad. I was a bit confused at first, but he explained it really well, and it did sound like a good idea, so he put the application through right there and then. I’ll just need to remember to actually apply for the loan as well…

Even though I obviously won’t be around in Helsinki this year, I dropped by the university opening carnival anyway. Mainly to say goodbye to my theatre friends who had a stand there, but also to scout out any amazing patches for my student overalls. And I did find some, indeed.

Fit patches for Grammar Nazis
My lovely theatre group! I'll miss them!
And finally, my personal favourite.

There were also jars of sweets on most stands, so whenever I figured I’d get away with it, I snatched a few and hid them in my bag. I know they were free, but I felt a bit bad taking them when I didn’t take a leaflet as well…

To this day, I’ve used a pencil case made by my friend in either primary or secondary school. It goes without saying that it’s quite worn by now, so I thought I’d allow myself a little going-away gift: a new pencil case by Marimekko. It’s pretty, colourful, and a little piece of Finland to remind me of my roots when I embark on this adventurous, less-than-a-year-long quest of mine.

Ensi viikolla siis lähden. Hui! Käväisin yliopiston avajaiskarnevaaleissa tervehtimässä teatterikavereita sekä hamuamassa haalarimerkkejä ja yhdistysten makeita lahjuksia. Soitin Osuuspankkiin opintolainakysymysten varjolla, mutta lupsakka tyyppi linjan toisessa päässä ehdotti myös, että hankkisin OP-Visa –kortin, jonka saa, jos on yli 90 opintopistettä koossa. Ei kuulemma ole hyvä, jos on matkassa mukana vain yksi maksukortti, jos sille käykin jotain. Tilattiin se sitten siinä, toivottavasti tulee ennen lähtöä. Hankin myös itselleni pienen ”läksiäislahjan” eli Marimekon penaalin. Oikeastihan se on ”silmälasikukkaro”, mutta enpä ole koskaan nähnyt kellään kyseisessä pussukassa mitään muuta kuin kyniä.

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