Friday 27 September 2013

student ID and jazz hands

Yesterday was one of the busiest days I've had here so far. I even made a chronological to-do list for the day so I wouldn't forget anything!

The strap of my satchel had broken the other day so I took the bag into a cobbler's shop where they fixed it for only £3.50. I felt so lucky because of the cheap prize and also the location of the shop: it's in Broomhill, which is "only" a 10-minute walk away. Still, it's the nearest place where there is anything. It takes about 20 minutes to walk to the university and 30 minutes to the city centre. I'm going to be so fit by the end of the year!

However, I got my student ID at registration yesterday, and with that the bus fare will only be like 80p, which I'll be happy to pay whenever I'm too lazy to walk.

The photo is very blurry for some reason, but I guess it's good enough to recognise me. Also, I was clever and edited my ID numbers out! ;) "Null department" is because I'm just an exchange student, or at least that's what the other exchange students have too.

After registration, there was an Activities Fair at the union. That was where all the societies and clubs were recruiting new members. I think it's fair to say there were around 200 different stands around the building, and many many more people looking around! It was very crowded. I have leaflets for Scandinavian Society, Baking Society, Pokemon society (they were giving out Pokemon cards and amazing origami Pikachus!), two theatre societies, a choir, Dancesport (ballroom/latin dance), English society, etc. etc. etc....

I also managed to catch the performance of simply the "Dance Society".

After the fair, there was just time for a quick lunch before my second Give It a Go! This time it was "Performing Arts Workshop" hosted by the musical theatre society SUPAS. We learnt a song called The Rhythm of Life from the musical Sweet Charity, which at least I hadn't heart of before. We were also taught a choreography to go with the song, and in the end put it all together!

It was such a lot of fun. I'm not so confident about singing, but in a group it's fun!

After the workshop, I had about an hour to kill before my next Give It a Go (two in one day!) so I spent that chatting to a girl from the flat opposite ours, Katie, who was also at the workshop. Then it was time for some gospel choir!

This is a warm-up game, by the way, not the actual singing. You can see the lyrics to a simple song that we started with though!

This one was also really fun! There were several misprints of the gospel choir's time, and I thought it would clash with the workshop, but in the end it turned out I was able to do both! I'm really glad I could. Essentially, the gospel choir was just like a normal choir, except with more "Praise the Loooo-oooord"s. It was so cool though! We also did an African chant, and the real choir members performed some songs for us and sounded amazing.

Today is a lovely sunny day with a clear blue sky, but I'm not able to enjoy it much because I can feel freshers' flu kicking in. I don't really feel ill otherwise, my throat is just a bit sore. Singing and chanting for four hours yesterday probably didn't help... So my plan today is just to stay in and do nothing, even though I'm already a bit bored.

I found out my timetable, by the way! It looks like this:

14-15 Phonology lecture
16-17.30 Creating Poetry seminar

12-13 Phonology seminar

14-15 Introduction to Modern Irish seminar

12-14 Introduction to Modern Irish seminar

It doesn't look very exhausting like that... but who knows how much work there'll be!

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