This is the Westmorland Hotel, where the wedding took place. We were very lucky weather-wise: the day of the ceremony was clear and sunny (although cold!), and the next day when we left it was chucking down rain most of the time.
The same room functioned as breakfast hall, dinner hall, ceremony hall, and reception hall. For reception, a proper parquet floor was brought to one end of the room, so we didn't have to dance on carpet. It was brilliant!
The view was absolutely gorgeous. There was a sort of moat surrounding the hotel with lots of cute little waterfalls. So pretty!
The newlyweds visit the hotel often since they live quite close to it, so when they found out the hotel did weddings, it seemed like the natural venue for theirs!
The food was lovely. The carvery included roast beef (or salmon), vegetables, Yorkshire pudding, and roast potatoes (or boiled, like mine -- I was actually told off for choosing them over roasted ones ;) ).
It was very nice to meet more of Charlie's family, even though I was a bit nervous! But everyone was really friendly, and I knew quite a few of them already, so that was good! They have some of the most innovative dance moves I've seen. It was such a lot of fun! We danced through most of the songs (there was a DJ and all!) and were the last ones on the dancefloor when it ended at midnight. Most of the time the floor was quite packed, which was really nice! However, at one point I requested that the DJ play Wannabe by the Spice Girls, and when he did, most people suddenly cleared off... I have no idea why! Honestly! But at least there was more room for me to slam my body down and wind it all around.
Even if you don't know me, you'll learn to see that wherever there's a sign, I'll take a photo of it. Especially at train stations. And especially in England.
Getting back from the wedding wasn't as easy as I thought. Charlie, his sister Georgia, and I were all going to get on the same train back to our homes. Charlie and I would both have two changes, so we'd all end up in different trains, but the first one was supposed to be the same for all three of us. However, due to a severe delay, Georgia was the only one who ended up getting on the original train (and even that one was nearly an hour late). I got on a train straight to Manchester about 40 minutes later (which meant only one change for me) and Charlie to Birmingham a bit before me. So, we got to know the Oxenholme train station pretty well.
Today, I've been to breakfast with Ollie from Japan (whom I met yesterday -- she lives across the corridor from me) and Nellissa from Canada, whom I met in the corridor this morning. I'm free until 1 pm when we have a registration session (not sure what that means yet), and Nellissa and I signed up for a walk around Broomhill (wherever that is) at 4 pm. After dinner, there is going to be some dancing, like waltz and that sort of thing, which I think sounds pretty fun! I'll try to use whatever free time I have to do some research on buses and the nearest supermarkets, so I'll actually have somewhere to buy food at a reasonable price.
One thing I've learnt about Sheffield so far: the weather is completely bipolar. When I was getting back to my room, it was sunny. When I got in my room, it was raining cats and dogs. And now it looks like Sheffield has never seen a drop of rain.
Olen taas täällä Sheffieldissä (ä näyttää oudolta tuossa lopussa), kun olin viikonlopun siellä häissä. Oli muuten aivan superkivaa! Spice Girls oli aika tehokas tanssijoiden karkottaja, mutta ainakin minulla oli hauskaa. :D Onneksi oli jokin tuollainen tapahtuma tässä alussa, koska suurin osa ihmisistä on tullut tänne vasta eilen tai tänään, joten täällä ei varmaan olisi oikein ollut ketään tai mitään. En ottanut hirveästi kuvia häissä (vaikka yleensä niitä kertyy satoja, juna-asemien kylteistä lautasella olevaan ruokaan), mutta toivottavasti saan niitä pian mm. Charlien isältä, joka oli häiden epävirallinen valokuvaaja. Tänään ei ole ehtinyt tapahtua muuta kuin aamiainen, jossa tapasin taas pari uutta ihmistä. Yhdeltä on jotain muodollisuuksia liittyen kai yliopistoon rekisteröitymiseen, ja neljältä olen menossa jollekin kävelykierrokselle lähistölle. Päivällisen jälkeen tänään on jotain tanssaamista, joka kuulostaa aika hauskalta! Saa nähdä, mitä muuta täällä tapahtuu. Säästä ei muuten näköjään ikinä tiedä. Onneksi minulla on sadetakki, mutta sateenvarjon jätin kotiin. Ajattelin, että sen saa kuitenkin hankittua täältä, eikä se ehkä olisi mahtunutkaan matkalaukkuun. Täytyy hommata siis sellainen jossain vaiheessa, ja ehkä myös kumpparit...
Bipolar weather is a thing throughout all of England. In the morning, it'll be tipping it down, and then by lunchtime the sky's like 'Rain? What rain?'