Sunday 22 September 2013

formal dinner

Second entry of the day! The orientation week is now officially over, and it was concluded by a formal dinner for all the participants on Friday night. I was really looking forward to it, as I love dressing up! I just wore a normal dress, but a lot of people wore a traditional dress from their country, which was really cool.

Everyone with their traditional costume was photographed together. The picture is really bad, because it was difficult to get everyone in the same shot!

The food was really nice.

The lemon tart was much too lemony for my taste, so I actually couldn't finish it all... But the cream was good ;)

This is our table. We had a cool seating plan and everything! The venue was really amazing. It was the same room where the quiz night was held, but it was completely transformed with all the lighting and decorations. I couldn't believe it was the same one!

By the way, I've finally started to admit to myself that I, in fact, am quite drawn to pink. I always say how I don't like pink very much or that I'd rather choose another colour, but after buying pink pillowcases, towels, dishwashing brush, handsoap, and a sponge... I don't think I can fool anyone anymore. It's okay, though. There are worse crimes in the world.

(Green is still my favourite colour, though. And turquoise.)

Now that orientation is over, I can't/don't have to wear my name badge anymore. It's probably a good thing, but I would have liked to keep it as a souvenir.

Sigh. However, giving it up to the assistants at the dinner made one exciting-ish thing possible. All the badges were entered in a prize draw, and I was one of the five people out of 300-400 that won! It was a bit scary to hear your name called out and having to walk up there to get the prize with all the people watching. I was so bemused that I actually almost sat down at a wrong table. I hope no one saw... I mean, apart from the 300-400 other people.

The prize is free coffee and cake at a cafe called Marmadukes, by the way! I don't know where it is yet, but I'm sure I'll find out. :)

Now my flatmate and I are going to go over to the British girls' flat opposite us!

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