Wednesday 18 September 2013

so much newness!

I've met so many people these past few days, it's been quite overwhelming. Monday was relatively laid back in terms of activities, but yesterday and today have been pretty crazy. I haven't been feeling so great all the time, but today has been good, which I'm happy about.

This is the Students' Union building, which is where we have spent most of this week so far at different talks and lectures in the auditorium about student life, culture shocks, etc. It takes about 15 minutes to walk there from where I live at the moment, and perhaps 20 minutes from where I'll be moving on Saturday.

A few of us at one of the talks: Katjusa from Slovenia, Shweta from Singapore, me, and Marie from Denmark. We all have to wear badges with our names and nationalities printed on them. I should take a proper picture of mine!

Here's just a couple of photos from near the Students' Union. It's been a really sunny day today!

We started doing this scavenger hunt kind of thing in the city centre, but it wasn't too well organised, so some of us had to leave early for another talk and let the rest of the team continue.

There are about 365 international students doing the catered orientation (like me) and probably a couple of hundred more taking part in a freer Discovery Week. Next week is Freshers' Week, which is when all the British students come in. As some of the lecturers have been saying, "You'll know when the Brits are here". I guess I ain't seen nothing yet!

Yesterday night there was a Quiz Night at the Students' Union. We formed teams of ten people, preferably all from different countries, and there were four sections: Sheffield, Britain, International, and General Knowledge. It was a lot of fun, even though our team didn't place!

Team Hippopotamus.

This evening after dinner there's the "Global Intro Party", which many people have been looking forward to a lot! I'm quite tired from being so busy lately, but I think it would be good to go at least for some time. I'm really looking forward to tomorrow's visit to Chatsworth House, which is a stately home in Derbyshire. Some films like Pride and Prejudice and The Duchess (booo Keira Knightley) have been filmed there. I mustn't forget my camera!

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