Wednesday 25 September 2013

module enrolment

So today was my first "real"/academic/call it what you want university event: module enrolment. Basically, I got myself registered for the classes starting next week. There are three different courses within the School of English that I was allowed to choose modules from - English, English Language and Linguistics, and English Literature.

For my application stage earlier in the year, I had to look through the modules and choose the ones I was interested in doing. I thought this was just to show the University of Sheffield the sort of classes I'd like to take, but today I learnt that I had actually already been registered for two of them. If I had known, I might have made the choices a bit more carefully! It was okay though, because I would've liked to choose those two anyway.

There weren't many places left for the classes anymore, so I couldn't actually get all the modules I wanted. Considering the situation, I'm still rather happy with what I got! (Also, the lady who helped me was super friendly.)

So this is what my studies will look like:

Autumn semester
Modern Irish
Creating Poetry (creative writing!)

Spring semester
Shakespearean Drama
Introduction to Old English
Storying Sheffield (this is supposed to be a really cool interactive class where you work with people from less advantaged backgrounds and find out their stories)

Honestly? I can't wait to start studying. :D

In other news, there was a quiz night at the Students' Union today! I think it was even better than the previous one, because the questions were more diverse and our team was a better size.

We did pretty well, I think! There was one section where you had to do spell the words the presenter read: millennium, pneumonia, definitely, receive, and eczema. I'm a pretty smug speller, so I just grabbed the pen and wrote without even consulting my team members. I felt a bit bad, but the answers were all correct, so that was fine, I think. ;) (I feel really conceited now. Moving on...)

Tomorrow I'll do my actual registration to university and possibly join a society or two! I will also give something else a go...

Tänään oli kurssirekisteröityminen, ja minulle tarttui mukaan fonologiaa, iirin kieltä ja runojen kirjoitusta (syyslukukausi) sekä Shakespeareä, wanhaa englantia ja sheffieldiläisten vähäosaisten tarinoiden kuuntelua (kai) keväälle. Olen tosi tyytyväinen valikoimaan, vaikka en mahtunutkaan joillekin kursseille, joihin olisin mielelläni osallistunut. Täällä melkein kaikki kurssit ovat 20 opintopisteen arvoisia, joten siksi yhteen lukukauteen mahtuu vain 3-4 kurssia. Yhteensä noista tulee 120 credittiä, joka vastaa Suomessa 60 opintopistettä. 

Osallistuin myös quiz nightiin, ja etenkin oikeinkirjoitustehtävä oli innostava... 

1 comment:

  1. Näitä blogitekstejä on niin kiva lukea! Hauskaa kun raportoit mitä siellä tapahtuu. Iloista viikonloppua!
